Genome sequencing

We use 2 benchtop Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) instruments (Illumina iSeq100 and Oxford Nanopore Minion) and workstation computers for genome sequencing and analysis of pathogen genome sequences. 


NGS has been established as an important tool in microbiology research for analysis of small genomes, including bacteria, viruses, and other microbes. Microbial NGS, including whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and targeted resequencing, enables mapping and de novo assembly of novel organisms, completing genomes of known organisms, and comparing genomes across samples.


1. Short read NGS: Illumina iSeq100

Order iSeq 100 SystemThe iSeq 100 provides a cost-effective and easy-to-use platform for clinical and public health laboratories to sequence bacterial isolates for a wide range of potential applications. The iSeq100 is capable of running  WGS and targeted NGS library preparations with comparable accuracy to the MiSeq. The iSeq100 has reduced sequencing workflow hands-on time and is able to deliver sequencing results in <24 hours. More info: Illumina iSeq100




2. Long read NGS: Oxford Nanopore Minion

MinIT is out - an analysis and device control accessory to enable powerful, real-time DNA/RNA sequencing by anyone, anywhereComplete bacterial, fungal, and viral (DNA or RNA) genomes with long-read nanopore sequencing. Identify and characterise microbes from environmental or single organism samples, with rapid methods for pathogen detection — whether at the bench or in the field. Accompanied, if required, with antimicrobial resistance profiling. Sequence full-length transcripts using direct RNA or cDNA methods for accurate gene expression and transcript isoform analysis. More info: Oxford Nanopore Minion.


We are working closely with the Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory ( for genomic surveillance of pathogens circulating in New England.

CVMDL | Extension NewsThe Connecticut Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory (CVMDL) at the University of Connecticut is dedicated to providing top quality diagnostic services to clients, who are comprised of veterinarians, members of the agricultural industry, owners of companion, zoo, and aquatic animals, stewards of Connecticut wildlife, and residents of Connecticut, New England, and beyond. The CVMDL works cooperatively with federal and state veterinary agencies to enhance disease surveillance and response. Close cooperation exists with the State Department of Agriculture, where State mandated and Federal programs of disease control are concerned. The Diagnostic Testing Services Laboratory performs all State testing programs (Brucellosis, Salmonella Pullorum, Mycoplasma, Mastitis, Avian Influenza, Johne’s Disease) as well as many other tests (equine infectious anemia, Salmonella, leptospirosis, Lyme disease, Rabies, etc.).